Programs for Mamas

In New Jersey, Black women are 7-8 times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related complication.

Our programs are designed to restore JOY and ensure ZERO preventable maternal deaths using models that are designed by and for Black women. We believe that Black models of care should be utilized in the service of holistic care to Black women.

Check out our Programs

Sistahs Who Breastfeed

Sistahs Who Breastfeed is a FREE mom-to-mom breastfeeding group exclusive to support the unique needs of Black Birthing Mothers. We meet virtually on Facebook and in person, join us at the next meet-up and build community!

Lactation Support

Our staff consists of IBCLCs (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants) and CBS (Certified Breastfeeding Specialist) to provide you with the knowledge you need to be successful in your breastfeeding journey.

Mamas in Bloom

Mamas in Bloom is designed by and for Black women to improve pregnancy, birth, and infant outcomes in Essex and Union County NJ.

Preeclampsia Risk

Black women are especially at risk of the development and serious consequences of preeclampsia. Clients are assigned a nurse and community health worker and provided with a blood pressure cuff.

D.O.P.E Mamas

D.O.P.E mamas will gain access to therapists trained in mental health in a group or individual setting to support common challenges faced through motherhood including postpartum depression and anxiety.

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